Sending WooCommerce Orders to Loyverse POS – Stock Update

How to send WooCommerce orders to Loyverse POS and update stock

Now that you have tested a product updates, you can try orders next.

When orders are downloaded into your Loyverse POS your inventory counts will then also update in Loyverse with each line item in your WooCommerce order. This will result in a two-way inventory sync

Make sure you have verified that you're connecting successfully. 
Creating a new product online is the easier first step. 

Note: Once the online order is created in the POS, the POS will then trigger a two way inventory sync for each of the lline items in the online order.  

Follow the instructions on the Orders Action configuration and the ‘?’ question marks will help guide you in your setup. When a WooCommerce order is downloaded into your POS your inventory will also update with all the line items in your WooCommerce order.

Two Actions are needed to download orders. The Send Orders Actions and confirm order download and Update Status in Woo to prevent duplicates in the POS.

  1. To download an order into your POS, Kosmos eSync needs to key in on the order status field in WooCommerce. For example, ‘Processing’ is the most common status for a successful order transaction within WooCommerce.

See the example WooCommerce order configuration:file

  1. Next, configure how your order will reach your Loyverse POS. You will need to assign a Store location, payment type, shipping item, tax product, etc.

See the example Loyverse Order configuration:file

  • See the ‘?’ HELP area and create a ticket if you’re unable to locate your configuration information.
  1. Now configure your second order Action that will automatically update the status on WooCommerce once the order has been downloaded. This Action is called ‘Loyverse find matching orders in Woocommerce and update the order status’ etc. Kosmos eSync will search your Loyverse POS based on the DATE you choose for any orders that have been sent to your POS and then update those orders to your WooCommerce store. When starting, choose todays date.

See the example Loyverse WooCommerce Action for status change:file

  1. When creating your order task to schedule your orders to automatically download, you’ll need to add both Order Actions in your Task. First Add send orders to Loyverse and next add update order status action.file
  2. When testing review your Action Logs after you hit RUN to determine if you were successful with downloading orders into your POS.
  3. To locate your WooCommerce order in POS, just go to Reports and Receipts.

See the article on Kosmos activity log and status codes

See the article on ‘How to trigger point of sale updates, for an integration.

See the video example on Bulk Migration of Items and Inventory from your POS to your Shopping Cart

If you’d like to purchase a support package, you can do so here.

If you have further questions, please post a ticket on our Help Desk

Updated on April 26, 2024

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