Sending WooCommerce Web Orders to Revel Systems – Stock Update

How to send WooCommerce Web Orders to your Revel POS and update stock

Now that you have tested product updates, you can try orders next.

When orders are downloaded into your Revel POS your inventory counts will then also update in Revel with each line item in your WooCommerce order. This will result in a two-way inventory sync.

Make sure you have verified that you're connecting successfully. 
Creating a new product online is the easier first step. 

Note: Once the web order is created in the POS, the POS will then trigger a two way inventory sync for each of the lline items in the web order.

  1. Please send Revel API support an email to enable settings for each establishment ID (single location, establishment id = 1) in your account to prepare for web orders. This setting allows for price overrides for discounts and sales in your online store for the web orders endpoint. If you need our assistance, please let us know and we can also contact Revel directly for this item.
  2. If you wish to set web orders to Closed status in Revel, please make sure the following Online Ordering setting is checked in the Revel Web Portal: Auto-close paid orders
  3. All products that are available for sale online will need to be added to an online menu in Revel. The fastest way to do this is to auto-add all Revel products per category to the online menu. See an example of an online menu. Do you have multiple revel custom menus? If so, please see Revel multi-channel setup.
  4. To track online shipping charges a new type of shipping product needs to get created in Revel with the following attributes:
  • Name: Online Shipping
  • SKU: onlineshipping
  • Barcode: onlineshipping
  • Price: 1.0
  • Sold by Weight: Checked
  1. To track online discounts a new discount needs to get created in Revel with the following attributes:

Discounts can be found by going to the ‘Products’ tab and locating ‘Discounts’ found on the left hand side.

  • Name: Online Discount
  • Discount Function: Standard
  • Discount Type: Amount
  • Variable Discount: Checked
  • Barcode: Enter a barcode number (We will need this number for your action settings)
  • Active: Checked
  • How Often to Apply: Once per order
  • Qualification Type: Order
  1. If online orders include tax charges, please make sure the tax settings in Revel apply the same tax rates as your online store. When the new API is used to create web orders in Revel the order totals including taxes are now calculated in Revel based on the Revel tax settings and the line item prices from the online order.

# Configuring your Actions

Follow the instructions on the Orders Action configuration and the ‘?’ question marks will help guide you in your setup. When a WooCommerce order is downloaded into your POS your inventory will also update with all the line items in your web order.

  1. To download an order into your POS, Kosmos eSync needs to key in on the order status field in WooCommerce. For example, ‘Proccesing’, is a successful new order in WooCommerce.

See example WooCommerce order configuration:file

  1. Next, configure how your order will reach your Revel iPad POS. Open orders can be viewed in the POS and will need to be closed out before the end of the day. You will need to assign a register, location, payment type, system-id for shipping, create a tax product, etc. For closed orders you can also setup a virtual employee (Online Orders) to assist with locating online orders and reporting.

See the example Revel order configuration:

We suggest creating a custom payment type, like ‘Online Payment’

  1. Configure your order Status Action next. The order Status Action will update your WooCommerce order that has been downloaded into your POS with a new status so eSync can get the next group of orders etc. The date time stamp is used to view orders in your POS that have already been downloaded by this specific date and beyond and only those orders will be considered when making a status update to WooCommerce. We suggest using a status of ON-HOLD.
  1. Now add both Actions into a single task hit the RUN button and after view your Activity Log for the Task.
  2. To locate your WooCommerce order in Revel, just go to Reports and order history.
  3. Click To view your Revel order in your iPad that you assigned.

Note – For the Web Ordering API If the action setting to Mark orders as closed is used to apply a payment and a merchant also wants to receive notifications for new web orders than the Revel Online Ordering setting (found in the Revel web portal) to Auto-close paid orders should NOT be enabled. Disabling the online ordering setting to Auto-close paid orders will allow merchants to manually close out web orders with a payment, and still receive notifications for new web orders.

Updating (Voiding) Revel Orders.

If you have questions, post a support request in our help desk below and add your Activity Log to the ticket. The link SUPPORT is also at the top of this page.

See the article on Kosmos activity log and status codes

See the article ‘How to trigger point of sale updates for an integration.

See the video example on Bulk Migration of Items and Inventory from your POS to your Shopping Cart

If you’d like to purchase a support package, you can do so here.

If you have further questions, please post a ticket on our Help Desk

Updated on August 19, 2024

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