BigCommerce Troubleshooting Tips

Some common BigCommerce integration troubleshooting tips

Q. Can I customize my integration?

A. Yes, please contact support about your request and a quote.

Q. Why can’t I update the price of some products?

A. For BigCommerce, the price will only update if the product names match. If you plan on changing the product names, please update them online. A new custom price action may be available; please inquire with support.

Q. Matrix inventory stopped updating for some products.

A. For inventory to update, your matrix parent names have to match both systems. When eSync requests a product, this is done by the matrix or variant parent name. Then, BigCommece provides all variant options and a list of all SKUs that can be updated. Please make sure the matrix parent names match both systems.

Q. My order will not sync.

A. Please view your activity log for an error message. All SKUs must match an SKU in your POS; if a single item has a mismatch, the entire order will fail.

Updated on March 7, 2025

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